MW Forum
Awards |
Thank you for checking out the success of this webpage and the people that has helped. These awards are in order of that I've won them.
There are several people I want to thank for the help and contribution to this page. They are in no particular order... Ginny(JerseyGirl) *--Thanks for everything! You helped me so much with your WILD and CRAZY ideas! *S* MarkWatch is being a success and thanks for watching for new stuff to update when I don't see it. People just sit around and wonder what you will think of next! *S* Loves ya! Tonya(mew) *--Thanks for the so many contributions! All the pics and the checklist! The billboard pic had to have been a challenge for you to get and thanks so much, I feel so honored to show it on my page! Thanks for also giving me info on getting that MW poster! And I can't ever thank you enough for the MW43 cards! I cannot wait to meet you someday! Loves ya! Lisa(riccgirl) and Kay(mamadwg) *--Thank you for so much for pics of Mark, especially that ST '98 one in levis! It's one of my favs! You've helped me so much with news, and ya'll inspired me in many ways. Thanks for a lock of MW's hair too *LOL* Glad to finally meet you, ricci, even though it was only an hour! Hope you meet ya'll again soon! Loves ya'll! Amanda Jennings and Jessica Stine *CHOPTALK staff writters--Thank you so much for publishing my webpage in the January and March '99 issues of Choptalk! The traffic has increased dramatically! Thanks for the wonderful support and belief in the page! MURGIE--Thank you so much for the great graphic logo you made me(but I had to take it down, since my colors aren't Braves colors no more *sniff*) and all the info of HTML to get me started...You helped me start a great hobby I love. *S* You are a great friend, and I don't know how to pay ya back. But I'm sure there must be something....oh yeah...I know something to make ya happy. *S* *KICK IN THE SHIN* There ya go. *tear in eye* just like old times. Hope to see you again down the road Joseph Chaillot--Thanks for helping me realize I'm actually a broadcaster! You don't realize how much of an influence you have been to me. I still don't know why I'm a person to be bragged to others about, but my esteem has been boosted greatly! Thank you also for giving me more practice by giving me the chance to make webpages for you! Cindy(FellowHolyoker)--Thank you for all the info I could ever need. Thank you also for helping my dream come true to meet Mark for my first time! I'll never forget that day of Aug 20, 1997, and meeting him several times since then will never be forgotten either! It was great to finally meet you at ST '98 and I hope to meet you again soon! Tell Matthew I said Hi! Mark Wohlers--Thank you for giving me an idea of doing a webpage of. You truely are the best closer in the MLB and you have amazed so many with your skill and talent. You are still amazing them today and sure that you will tomorrow also. I hope to meet you again soon. You are such a great and caring person. I feel so priveleged to be your friend. Fans of MW and of my webpage--Thank you for putting up with me! I know many are asking about a fan club...keep your caps on! Subscribe free for the MarkFans email group till then! I also thank you for visiting the page many times and raising my counter number. It inspires me to improve the page better for the fans. Copyright 2001 |